15 - Taşkonak

Cuma Pazarı (Station) - Hacet - Eski Hastane Kavşağı - Alanyum Shopping Center - Alanya Eğitim ve  Araştırma Hastanesi - Karakocalı - Yukarı Oba - Taşkonak

It services only weekdays.

It departs from the Cuma Bazaar . Passing through Hacet Junction, by following the "25-metrelik yol". It passes in front of Alanyum Shopping Center and Alanya Training and Research Hospital. Then Karakocalı and Yukarı Oba locations, the last station is Taşkonak.

Thi bus line answers to questions below ;

How to get to Alanya State Hospital?
How to get to Alanyum Shopping Center by bus?
How to get to Taşkonak?

Departure Times

  • 07:15
  • 12:30
  • 16:00
  • 18:30

Return Times

Line No: 15 - Taşkonak
Departure Stops and Route

Cuma Pazarı (Cuma Bazaar) > Taşkonak

Line No: 15 - Taşkonak
Return Stops and Route

Taşkonak > Cuma Pazarı (Cuma Bazaar)